Friday 10 August 2012

Bad things really do happen in threes- 58 days to go

The day started out ok really, morning coffee, bowl of Weetabix minis while watching Scooby Doo, the usual stuff. But I really should have never left the house yesterday...

My first taste of disaster was when, after at least 2 hours of being at work already, I realised my dress was on back to front. Small fry really though compared to the next horrible occurrence. I started to feel a bit peckish so went to get my packed lunch out of my bag and, duh duh duhhhhhhh, I'd forgotten it. Anyone who knows me will understand how much this upset me, I love food a bit too much. But all of this pales in comparison to the next bad thing that happened to me. I'd had a bit of a  premonition about this in the morning as well; while locking up my bike I almost left the keys in the lock but just realised in time. It had me a bit uneasy all day though and I even checked my bike at lunch time, no problems. But sadly at the end of the day when I went out to fetch my bike to cycle to the pool, it was gone. The lock was cut clean in half and lying on the floor, a hollow reminder of what used to be.

RIP you lovely lovely bike

It makes me so sad that some horrible person has now got my lovely bike and I have to get the tube to work instead. I hate the tube! I'm not used to it anymore and it stresses me out so much and gets my day off to a terrible start. I'm hoping to get a new bike tonight, a cheap-o second hand one this time that looks to rubbish to steal (I hope). Stupidly I didn't get my last bike insured as it was on my to do list, but I never got round to it. Let that be a lesson to me.

I am wearing my bicycle necklace today as an homage to my stolen friend. Dramatic, me? I know someone who once wore one white glove to school for a week to mourn the break up of her relationship. I think I'm ok....

I'm going to post again later tonight about my latest fitness attempts so make sure to check back later. And also if you have a bike, buy four padlocks at least. 



Anonymous said...

Who wore a white glove to school? I don't remember this...

Loving your blog btw and I will sponsor you come payday :)

Jadey Q said...

Oh Nicci! How very tragic! RIP bi-cy-claaay! You make me giggle :) xxx

Gabby said...

Nicci, this is really really sad. RIP bikey.

A bit of hope:

Unknown said...

Ah Fran I will have to tell you in private in case said person reads this and is embarassed!! Gabby- thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go but not holding my breath! Hope you're enjoying st Tropez. Thank you all for reading it! It's so nice to get some comments :)feels less like I'm talking to myself.

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