Monday 27 August 2012

Long overdue- 41 days to go

Normal service has been resumed. I am back from all of my gallivanting and will be trying to catch you up with my adventures over the next few days and also keeping you up to date with my training efforts, or lack of really...

Yesterday I took my first tentative steps back into the world of running after what can only be described as an extremely indulgent week off. And I can tell you it was seriously hard work! I'd completely let myself get out of the running mind set so even getting out the door was traumatic enough.

I started off a bit too fast and as it was quite early in the day still I hadn't had breakfast and I think this really showed by the end when I was pretty much walking around. I gave up once I'd done 5km even though I was nowhere near home yet, I walked the rest of the way back looking completely beaten.

However I am glad I got back out there and in a way glad it went badly as it's given me a bit of a kick. I've decided that from now until I complete the run that alcohol has to be completely off the cards. After a week of over indulging in that arena I can definitely feel a difference, especially in my lungs. So you heard it here first, I am on the waggon. I'm planning a bit of a diet overhaul as well to get myself in the best shape I can manage with the time I have left. But you will have to wait for news of that as Ed is making me bacon and eggs and it's bank holiday Monday so really that seems only fair...



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