Wednesday 8 August 2012

The fear well and truly sets in- 60 days to go

It's been a quiet couple of days for me after my action packed weekend. I've been hobbling around ever since Freefit on Saturday but today I'm begining to feel less of an invalid and more like I could tackle a run. Tonight will be the first time out since the weekend so I'm hoping it all goes smoothly!

I have been thinking more and more about race day though and getting myself really quite scared. I hadn't really considered it much before, and have always asumed that it wouldn't be that hard and that I was reasonably fit so would get through it. The weekend brought home to me just how un-fit I am at the moment though. If the beginners level can leave me immobile for 3 days following it, then what is a half marathon going to do to me?!

I even decided to have another look at the route map just to add to my fear...Urgh...

I get  a knot in my stomach every time I look at this, even writing this I'm hyperventilating slightly!

But I'm determined not to let it beat me, one of the main reasons I signed up to this (other than it being a great cause of course) was to challenge myself to acheive something way out of my comfort zone. I'm going to fire up the Rocky theme tune when I get home from work tonight and get psyched up and back out there! Watch this space!



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