Sunday 5 August 2012

So many activities- 63 days to go

It's been a busy weekend for me, lots of activities and lots of watching the Olympics. Can't believe how incredibly well team GB are doing, big respect! I am in so much pain today after my Freefit session that I am in total awe of all the olympics competitors! But it's the good ache I'm sure...I think I was too confident going for that run yesterday though so I am taking it easy today. Might attempt some yoga later on to stretch out the ache but even that could be beyond me!

The plan for today was to go watch the women's marathon but half way there on the bus the heavens opened and it looked like it would never stop. We just about managed the jubilee in the rain, thanks to copious amounts of champagne, but without any champagne today and only leftover pasta to keep us going we decided a change of game plan was needed. Being somewhat poor at the moment we decided that the Natural History Museum was the obvious choice, free, indoors and dinosaurs? Sold!

The photo in the top left is Edmund meeting an Edmontosaurus. I think it's actually uncanny how much they look alike! He was pretty pleased that his dinosaur namesake was in the natural history museum, personally I preferred the Tuojiangosaurus (pronounced two-wang-oh-sore-us, lol!)

We had so much fun, the natural history museum always makes me feel a bit like a kid again, especially the fairground mirrors!! It was crazy busy though so we escaped to the V&A for a bit more refinement and to eat our packed lunch in a quiet corner! I do love the V&A and the ballgown exhibition looked amazing, but we decided to save it for another weekend as I was struggling to hobble around by then!

On the way home, as we were passing Harrods anyway, it would have been a crime not to pop in and pick up some Lola's cupcakes! These are absolute heaven and I could have eaten every single one in the shop, but we restrained ourselves and got a mini cupcake each. I chose Red Velvet and Ed got Rocky Road. They. Were. Divine. I'm actually slightly in mourning for them now that we've eaten them.

My teapot is a sofa! It's ridiculously cute but I couldn't quite get the whole thing in here. There's a little cat sat on the top of it though, I'll try and get a better shot another time.

It's been such a fun weekend and last night, thanks to lovely Laura and Ben, I made it past the £200 donations mark which is amazing!! Only £150 to go until I make my target. Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored me so far, and if your thinking about it then just do it! Every single donation is hugely appreciated and goes to a great cause. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend too!


P.s After writing this post we decided to head to Hyde Park to watch Usain Bolt in the 100m final. I was pretty much all ready for bed by this point but I'm glad Ed dragged me out because the atmosphere was amazing. First we watched Christine Ohuruogu get silver in the 400m final and the noise from the crowd was amazing. But it really kicked off when Bolt raced. He really is incredible! Here's a little photo of us waiting for the final, so excited!


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