Sunday 12 August 2012

Weekend round up- 56 days to go

It's been another busy, but thoroughly enjoyable weekend for me. It always feels like the weekend flies by far too quickly though.

Friday's plans to go for another run didn't pan out, but I did take me new bike for a spin around the park which was fun followed by band practise then drinks in the Faltering Fullback, one of my favourite pubs in our area which has an amazing labyrinth of a beer garden.

On Saturday I headed up to Leicestershire with the band to play at Strawberry Fields Festival. This was our first gig of the summer as we've been having a bit of time off to write, so we were all a bit nervous. It went well though for the most, a few minor technical hitches but nothing major.. It was so nice to catch up with some of our friends from Leicester as well who we don't see nearly enough of any more. Thanks so much to everyone who came to watch us!

In the evening back in London it was off out to Borough High Street to wave goodbye to one of my best friends from school. She's off to New Zealand for a year or so and I am so incredibly proud and jealous! It was a lovely night and having so many of my friends in one place was just so much fun. I rocked a sequined parrot t-shirt which I found in one of the vintage shops at Strawberry field. LOVE it!

And I suppose now it's time to get down to the real purpose of this blog, Running. So today I dusted off the trainers and dragged myself out of the house as soon as it looked like it had cooled down a little. Today has been scorching! According to my training plan today's goal was 7 miles, which works out at around 11.2km. I decided to run with a bit more of a structured route plan today than usual, to help me get through the distance so I followed the route used for the 5km free park runs which take place every week in Finsbury park. Here's my map so you can see how I got on....

I did it! It took me a long time but I got there. It feels like I've got through a bit of a psychological barrier now as well, 10km always seems like quite a landmark distance. Although I've only gone a little bit further than that, it has given me some more confidence. I really found that having a route planned out before helped me keep going as I could visual how far I had left. I'll definitely be trying this more often. My knees and blisters have both held out ok as well, but I suppose only tomorrow will tell for sure!

At least I had this to come home to thanks to the lovely and talented chef Mr Edmund Grunill.

Oh yeah! I tried to make mine a bit healthier by adding salad and only having a quarter (!), but Ed managed to eat a whole half! It was really quite impressive. I'm going to sit and watch the Olympics closing ceremony now and wish I was there. If only I had a spare thousand pounds or so...



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