Thursday 9 August 2012

Rookie- 59 days to go

I did it! I went running again, and it wasn't actually that bad. I did commit a fair few rookie errors though.
1) Eating a whole bag of Metcalfe's skinny popcorn, sea salted variety (so tasty) followed by half a bag of gummy bears washed down with a cup of tea shortly before setting off. Turns out that's not an ideal pre-run snack. Who'd have guessed it?! It was delicious though...
2) Forgot to take my inhaler, classic error. Fortunately my lungs actually held out pretty well, which I think might be a sign that perhaps I am getting fitter after all? I even attempted some sprint sections and survived...

3) Forgot my water bottle. Not really sure where my head was before I set off but I pretty much forgot everything!! This was especially bad as the sea salted popcorn was definitely having an effect...

But still I kept going and I did a few sprint sections which was so much fun! I was listening to Not in Love, by Crystal Castles and Robert Smith, and sprinting to the chorus sections. I was definitely walking the verses though.

I think this sort of tempo training is something I need to incorporate more into my training. I am definitely prone to just setting out and plodding along at the same pace for 30 mins then heading home. This workout definitely got my heart rate up and I felt like I was pushing myself but not too much.

I also tried out foam rolling for the first time when I got home, as part of my cool down. I'm a little sceptical about this and I look ridiculous in our tiny little studio flat trying to roll around on a piece of foam, but it does seem to have helped. I'm certainly not any more achy today than I was yesterday so I'll keep it up. I got my foam roller from Argos for the bargain price of £9.99 and it seems to be doing the job pretty well so far.

Tonight the plan is swimming then a 40 minutes easy run so I'll update you later on how I get on. I'm tired just thinking about it!



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