Wednesday 15 August 2012

Double Whammy- 53 days to go

Ed gave me these beautiful sunflowers on Monday, I've been trying unsuccessfully to grow some on the windowsill but they just look a little weedy and sickly. These really do put mine to shame! I read about a study on the emotional impact of flowers recently though, apparently the participants in the study were significantly less depressed, and less anxious after receiving flowers. They also noticed a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction. I'm hoping some of that will rub off me from these flowers as I'm currently finding this week a bit of a slog. It's crazy as we're off on a little holiday next week, but the week before a break is always hard right?

Anyway Monday was rest day and on the agenda for Tuesday was an "easy" 40 minutes run, at least that's what my training plan said. I was happily not too achy from Sundays efforts and set off feeling pretty good. I decided to follow the same route as Sunday. I kept it steady but there are a few really tough hill sections in the route which I decided to try and power up as quickly as I could, I was so tired at the top of each hill but it felt good! We'd been swimming after work on Tuesday and I'd cycled to work and back (Which is a lot more like hard work on Evelyn!) so I really was feeling it by the end of the run and so cut it short by 2 minutes. I'm sure the cycling and swimming will compensate though! Here's the map...

Today I was really low on motivation, especially as the training plan cheerfully announced it's intention of having me run 50 minutes tempo. Not a plan I relished I have to say, especially after a long day and sticky toffee pudding at lunch! I decided to head to Clissold park hoping that the change of scenery would get me through. It was a lovely evening and there were so many people out running. One thing that really does help me keep going is trying to overtake other people, usually unsuccesfully, or just trying to keep up with the person in front of me. I find it so much easier than motivating myself to keep a pace. This probably wasn't much of a tempo run but it was the best I could manage. Here's the map...

It's hard to tell, but I did three laps of the park. The old me would have managed one then given up. I don't think I'm necessarily much fitter yet, but there has definitely been a shift in my mind set. The fear has set in, and I don't want to let down all the people who have so generously sponsored me. I'm finding that thought alone really helps get me round the final lap of a run when I feel like just giving up and going home.

Speaking of sponsorship thank you so much to my mum and sister who sponsored me last night! I'm now up to £275 so almost there!! Please if you're reading this consider sponsoring me, I'm so close to the target now and it really is for such a worthwhile cause. Here's a lovely picture of the park from my run tonight to finish on, So pretty.



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