Saturday 4 August 2012

Freefit- 64 days to go

Today I decided to try out something new, so I headed off to the park at 2:30pm to have a go at freefit. I was pretty apprehensive at first, it seemed like no one else was going to turn up, but one by one people appeared and everyone was so friendly that I immediately felt at ease. I decided to go for the beginners session to start off with and I'm glad I did! The intermediate session looked gruelling. We did some warm ups and then a lot of strength and conditioning work. The level was challenging but not unachievable and the session was so varied that the hour flew by. I'm really bad at doing strength work by myself as I completely lack the will power to keep going, so this was really useful for me and a great compliment to my running sessions.

Luckily we got lovely weather and as I was lying on the grass doing crunches and gazing up at the clouds I was thinking how lovely it is to be able to exercise outdoors. Then a KFC bag gracefully floated past my head which slightly killed the mood, but I still rate it over being stuck in a gym on a summers day. I'd definitely recommend Freefit to anyone, they really do cater to all abilities/fitness levels, and there's no scary military style shouting either. The team do the sessions for free to encourage the local community to get exercising which I think is a great idea. I'll definitely be going back!

 I decided that I felt so good after the freefit session that I would finish it off with a little run around the park. As soon as I started though I realised quite how tired my muscles were, I was pretty shaky! I decided to modify my plan a little and just take it really easy and treat it like a cool down run. It was so pretty in the park today, you can really feel autumn coming on. The blackberries are ripening, the conkers are growing and the leaves are turning. I always find this time of year a little bittersweet. I'm sad that summer is nearly over, but autumn is absolutely my favourite season. I love the smell of the air, the crispy crunchy leaves, the colours, getting new hats and gloves, everything. It does also feel a little like summer never really had a chance this year, but c'est la vie. Here's the map of my little sight seeing run home...

Feeling a little smug now so going to spend the rest of the day watching the olympics and feeling like a champion myself!



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