Wednesday 1 August 2012

Le petit triathalon- 67 days to go

I'm not sure why this post is titled in French, it's just everything sounds that bit better in French doesn't it? Well I think so anyway.

I must really be coming down with Olympics fever as today I have been super busy! I started off with cycling to work as usual, this takes me about 30 minutes and is a great way to start the day. After work Ed came to meet me and we went swimming in the Lido again, it was a little cold for outdoor swimming though really, we were risking brain freeze! Then I finished things off with a 30 minute cycle ride home then a 45 minute run round the park. A mini triathalon- hence the post title.

Here's my map anyway, I went round and round in circles quite a bit so it's hard to make out. The time is a little out because I forgot to stop Runkeeper when I got home, it was really more like 45 mins but you get the idea still.

Also I think it was more like 7km, I can't take the credit for the last one, my pace was 1047:53 km/h! I'm not quite there yet!



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