Friday 28 September 2012

Sorry for the absence! 10 days to go...

The view over Leipzig from the rooftop of an old GDR building and Seb
So as you may have noticed I have been a little absent over the last few weeks and haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with my blog posts. Sorry for this! Life well and truly got in the way of my good intentions. I have been travelling a lot and feel like I haven't even been in one place long enought to gather my thoughts and write a blog. But today life is starting feel like it's back to it's normal pace so I thought I'd fill you in on some of my adventures.

I was in Stockholm with work the week before last, which was lovely! I managed to get a run in while I was there and was feeling super excited and fit at that point. The weekend after Stockholm I went to Germany with my band, specifically Leipzig and Cologne. The journey over was pretty killer, and huge thanks need to go out to Paul for driving us the majority of the way there without rest! Superhero. 

Left to right: Paul, me, Edmund (and the van!), Ed sporting double denim!!
When we got to Leipzig I took what I knew would be the only oportunity I would get, to go out and have a run. I was feeling pretty ropey after 16 hours in a van and only minimal sleep but I knew it would do me good. Luckily next to our accomodation there was a lovely park with a forest trail along the railway tracks which made for an ideal running route, very easy to find my way back! I managed around 6km in 40mins although couldn't really track my run as couldn't use internet, too pricey! My trainers do have Nike+ built in but I haven't calibrated it so it's a little hit and miss with distances!! Anyway here are some snaps from my adventure...

I've been having physio for the last couple of weeks for my knees, which aren't terrible, but are really begining to hate me for upping my distances on runs. For that reason I've really held back on training the last couple of weeks to try and avoid any longer term damage and to make sure I'm able to run next weekend. So for the first time since Germany I went for a run last night. I decided that as I only had time for a short run I would attempt a 5km. I naturally set off at quite a pace which I expected to have to drop half way round but I felt so good I managed to keep it up for the whole 5km course, and set a new PB of 26:79, which is way under my previous best. I was pretty happy with that considering I've not been able to do much training lately.

Even though, I am concerned that I've lost some endurance strength so this weekend I'm going to fit in a long run while I'm back up north for my mum's birthday. I'm hoping for a nice clear day running along the sea front at morcambe but knowing the Lakes it will undoubtedly be tipping it down! I'm off to the gym tonight on a free pass, I'm testing out a few different places as when it starts getting properly wintery my ability to run outside is seriously diminished, so I'm hoping this one is nice and not too pricey. Fingers crossed!



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