Monday 1 October 2012

The long awaited Barcelona post!

I've been promising to write this post for quite some time now and have somehow never found the time. But last night I made myself do some photo editing in preparation and so here is a little round up of my short stay in Barcelona.

We arrived early evening on Sunday and quickly dropped off our bags at my sister and Miguel's place and then headed straight off to the beach, the weather was so hot it was the only thing to do. After a long swim in the sea we played a lot of beach bat and ball and then went to a beach bar for our first beer of the holiday. Bliss. In the evening we headed out onto the streets to check out the street decorating party. Every year in Barcelona all the streets in the different areas of the city are decorated by the residents and then get judged, after the judging it's just a big week long party. Every street is themed so each has a different vibe and live bands or shows depending on the vibe of that street. It's amazing to see the effort people put into this and so much of the material used to decorate is recycled or salvaged which is great.

From top, left to right: Honey bee themed street, aviation themed street (got second place), sisters (pulling our Patsy faces!), Really big face made entirely of recycled bottles, Mr T and ET made of tape cassettes!, Band playing in the aviation themed street

The next day it was 2 years to the day since Ed and I became a couple so we decided to have a relaxing day at the beach and having delicious paella and just generally relaxing and feeling like we were on holiday. Bliss.

 House covered in cactuses, Ed on the beach, our amazing paella!
On day 3 we felt like we should step it up a bit and get in some sightseeing after all that lazing on the beach so we decided to use the Bicing bikes (just like Borris bikes) to make sure we could cover as much ground as possible. We had a lovely ride down to the marina and right along the coast then headed back up to the Parc Cituadella, this is one of my favourite spots in Barcelona, it has the most beautiful fountains and the trees are filled with bright green parakeets. So amazing. Best part though was we decided to rent a rowing boat, which was so much fun. Ed has never rowed before so we got into a few scrapes but he did pretty good once he got the hang of it. We spent most of the time trying to sneak up on the terapins that live in the lake, they were so cute and kept popping their heads up all over the place. I managed to snap one while he was sunbathing on the rocks but we got a bit too close and he swam away sharpish.
Me rowing, Ed getting to grips with steering the boat, little terapin guy sunning himself on a rock

Next that day we decided to have a trip up to Montjuic on the cable car as this was something I had never done before. It was really a bit pricey for us, but the views were so amazing it was worth it. We had a wander around at the top had a coffee then headed back down to city via placa espana. We were lucky enough to get there just as the sun was setting and it was so beautiful, there was a man playing Spanish guitar and loads of people sat out talking and just generally lovely. 

The view from the cable car up to Monjuic, the view again, placa espana,
me and ed at the top of montjuic, the sunset from placa espana
 We were supposed to be cooking for Vicki and Miguel that evening but we arrived home so late after the sunset that we only managed to get something on the table by about 9:30, late even by Spannish standards!! We were meant to be going to watch a friend of Miguel's play a gig on one of the decorated street, so we wolfed down the food and headed out again. It was the last night of the street decorating party so everyone was in full on party mood! There were some little kids spraying people on the street with their garden hose from the rooftoop and everyone was going crazy for them! Luckily the band were running late so we managed to catch all of their set, it was a totally dreamy accoustic set with lovely boy/girl harmonies under a canopy of stars, unfortunately the photos from that are on my camera which is currently a little bit dead. I will try to update with them at some point though.
The circus themed street, Vicki and Miguel at the bee themed street,
Miguel in the aviation theme street, A volcano street, more bees, circus people
 Our final day was just a short one as we had to catch our flight at 6pm so we decided to head up to Parc Guell as it is just a short walk from my sister's appartment and it's a great way to get to see some of Gaudi's work for free and without the queues. We had a lovely walk round and especially enjoyed standing in the sprinklers to cool off, it was scorchio! I always love Parc Guell whatever the season and it's even better for being free. Afterwards we had a picnic lunch then headed off to the airport.
Pretty mosaic in Parc Guell, Ed taking a break from the heat,
lots of various tiles and flowers, The view from the top point of Parc guell
 Even though it was only a short break I feel like it was so reviving and really helped kick those late summer blues after the terrible weather we had this summer in the UK. I visit Barcelona most years as my sister lives there, but I always find something new and exciting and always love going back there, I don't think I'll ever get bored of it.
So there you go, FINALLY an update about my holiday. I have so little time and so many posts at the moment I want to put up but I will keep trying to catch you up on my adventures and activities. Watch this space.


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