Sunday 9 September 2012

A little bit about me

I can't believe it's Sunday night already, this week and weekend has just flown by! I've been incredibly busy, which probably has a lot to do with it. September seems set to be a hectic month, but that's ok with me. Also can't believe it's now less than a month until D-day, makes me feel a little unwell thinking about it! More about the training later though.

So I thought today I would tell you all a bit more about my band, one of the other things I get up to when not running. I've alluded to the band a few times on this blog, but never really introduced it properly as I figured it was probably just my mum reading it over a cuppa. Anyway, We're called I Am In Love, which can take some explaining to people.Yes there have been misunderstandings...

We've been playing together in various guises now for around 3 years and have been all over the place doing gigs. We've visited Germany, Switzerland and Austria as well as most of the UK. There are four of us in the band, Sebby who does vox, Martin who plays geetar and does all the technical wizardry, Ed is our drummer and I play Keys.

People always ask me how I find being the only girl in the band, and honestly, I quite like it! Yes they pick on me a little, and yes the tour bus does smell pretty awful at times, and the conversations about football tend to grate, but they're all such great guys and we have so much fun together that it balances out. And we've seen and done some amazing things together.

We're all over t'interweb and you can see loads of videos, pictures etc if you google I Am In Love Music. Remember to add the Music on the end or you'll get a load of suspect results.Our new single is called Palm and you can have a little listen here if you are so inclined.

So there we are! I hope you've enjoyed this little introduction, expect to see more about the band as and when we do cool stuff.



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