Saturday 15 September 2012


I am currently in Stockholm for a conference with work and I am absolutely in love with Stockholm. It's a gorgeous city and I always love being beside the sea and just wish I could have more time to look around here as the conference is pretty full on. I'm definitely going to have to come back.

I got out for a run this morning though at 6:20am, a usually unheard of hour for me. But it was so worth it, the light was stunning and running along the harbour with all the boats was so refreshing and uplifting.

This is just a sneak preview and I'll update you properly once I'm reunited with my laptop. But I saw a bit of the Stockholm half marathon while on a tea break today. All the runners were amazing and it was so inspiring to watch and cheer them on. I'm now super excited for the 7th October and can't wait to take on the challenge!



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