Monday 3 September 2012

My week in runs- 33 days to go

The last week was a tough one for me in terms of running, after an overly indulgent week off it has been a real uphill struggle to get my fitness back. At the moment I’m finding it hard to tell if I’m injured, or if I’m just experiencing the awakening of muscles which haven’t been used in far too long.  Either way, every single part of me is aching and just standing up from the sofa is agony. They do say no pain no gain though, so let’s hope this is worth it! I’ve decided on a new format for keeping you updated on my running training, I’m trying out weekly updates instead of the usual blow by blow updates. I’ve also added a new page which takes you to Runkeeper where you can review all my running activities and maps etc since my very first steps. 

Sunday was my first venture out into running again and it went horribly! I’ve already posted about this won’t go on about it again! I followed this up on Monday with a longer run at 8.7km, my knee decided to have a little melt down and I had to give up earlier than I had hoped so I’ve been gently nursing it back to strength this week.

Tuesday I managed 6.36km and Thursday I hit a new PB for 5km while doing my speed training. I managed 5km in 28 minutes which is the first time I’ve managed to get under 30 minutes for this distance. I was pretty pleased with myself but did feel like I was going to either pass out or vomit. I ran another 1.24km as a cool down while trying not to be sick.
On Saturday it was back down to FreeFit on the park for some more gruelling strengthening exercises. I did actual press ups for the first time in many many years, not even the cheating girl press ups, proper ones! I did 20 press ups (not all in one go) as well who knows how many squats, lunges, planks, crunches and other forms of torture in the space of an hour, and I’m in the beginners group! It’s great fun though and the people are so friendly, but the next day is always agony. Every single bit of me aches now.
Sunday was supposed to be my long run, 10 miles I was scheduled for, but on account of my inability to move my legs I let myself off with just doing a slow jog round the park. That in itself was hard enough. I’m going to try and fit in the 10 mile run after work this week, not sure when though. But I thought it’s always better to listen to your body than push yourself too far and end up with a serious injury. 

Which brings us to today.  Today I have mostly been hobbling around the office feeling a little sorry for myself. I managed to cycle into work no problem though which was a relief! Somehow cycling is one of the few things that doesn’t seem to hurt me at the moment! Maybe I should cycle around the office...Anyway I've decided tonight my body needs a rest so I'm gonna put on Monty Python and eat a whole lot of nachos and fajitas and kick back. Then back on it tomorrow...even if I have to roll myself out the door.

Happy Monday!




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