Sunday 9 September 2012

My week in running- 27 days to go!

My trusty trainers and I haven't always gotten along well. At first they gave me the most awful blisters on the arches of my feet, and I hardly used them for about 2 years. These are actually pretty old trainers but it's only since starting training for this run that I've given them a chance and have actually worn them in. We're getting on pretty well at the moment but still have our off days, I think it's too late to change them before the run now though so we're in it together for the long haul. My i-Phone arm band is about the second best bit of running kit I have bought, and it was pretty cheap too I think. I love being able to run with my favourite songs on and the Runkeeper app is brilliant! I got this magazine for free the other day and it's been pretty interesting reading. Although mostly I just feel inferior to the super woman who ran 120km in one day, that is just insane.

Anyway, this week got off to a pretty shaky start while I was recovering from the after effects of freefit. I know that it is good for me in the long run but oh does it hurt for the first few days after. Anyway my first outing went pretty terribly! I managed just under 20 minutes and really couldn't keep going any longer. Pretty pathetic. I decided my body was telling me to just rest a little so I took the next day off. By Thursday I was feeling much more energetic so even though it is the busiest day of the week for me at work, I committed to having a go at running home for the first time.

Tuesday's poor effort

Run home on Thursday

Friday was just too nice an evening to go out running, so me and Ed headed to the park to play some beach bat and ball. We've been trying to get a rally over 30 for ages now and haven't really come close, but on Friday we managed a glorious rally of 38. There was celebratory ice cream. After this we went to me some friends for pie at Battersea Pie Station in Covent Garden, which was frankly delicious and pretty good value too. I have to admit though that there were a few drinks involved here, and that I have fallen off the waggon. Sorry!

Left to right: Heron on the lake, Ed in action, first conkers of the season, mad bat and ball skills

To make up for my indiscretion though I pulled myself out of bed on Saturday morning and got out and went running. This run felt like turn around for me, I almost did 10km but was running out of time as I had a train to catch afterwards and hadn't packed so decided to go home. However, I felt like I could have kept running for quite some time still, which is honestly the first time that has happened! Fingers crossed this keeps happening and that maybe I will be able to complete my half.

Saturday morning's run

The rest of my Saturday was spent up in Leicester visiting my friends, spending more than I should have in Primark, eating Mexican food and playing with Woody the wonder dog, best dog ever! Then back to London on Sunday for a cheeky little picnic with Ed, then band practise and home to watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, classic! Weekend well spent I think.

Left to right: Lovely Sunday picnic, Woody the wonder dog, beautiful blue skies

Hope you all had a lovely time too!



Anonymous said...

Woody is very happy to have been included on your blog. He found his squeaky tennis ball and is currently running all over the house squeaking to his hearts content.

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