Sunday 29 July 2012

Weekend Round up- 70 days to go

Firstly I would like to start off by thanking everyone who has sponored me so far. I've now raised £165 for MIND which is fantastic! I'm now more than half way to my target of £300. Thank you so much everyone!!

So this weekend has been fabulous really, but has involved no running unfortunately. We went up to Kettering to visit Ed's family and some friends. I had great intentions of running this evening when I got home, but it had been so nice to spend time with Ed's family that we stayed a bit later than planned and I was pretty exhausted when we finally got back to London.

Here a some photos from my weekend, we went to Skegness on the Saturday which was so much fun! There's something about the English seaside that I just love, the donkeys they penny slot machines, candy floss, fish and chips. So much fun!!

We ate so much seaside food! There was also a bag of candy floss which I'm still working on getting through, and an ice cream. When you're at the seaside you just have to go all out!

We went to visit the lifeboat museum as so many of Ed's ancestors were in the Skegness lifeboat team, his surname is Grunill which makes him something of a celebrity in Skeggy! We also played some crazy golf, I was en fuego for this! I was the overall winner as well as winner of a free round of golf for managing to pot the lucky hole! We also visited the most adorable minature village, I've been visiting these ever since I was a kid and they always make me feel so nostalgic and also like a giant!

Finally we went on a little boat trip to Natureland which is a seal sanctuary and does really great work taking in injured seals and getting them back to health and releasing them again. They also have other animals including crocodiles, repltiles and meerkats. I hand fed some sheep which was the strangest feeling! They were very gentle but I was still a bit scared.

We had a little night out in Kettering when we get home which I won't share the photos of as it got a little messy! Ended up with me, Ed and one of his friends singing Fleetwood Mac, Go Your Own Way, for Karaoke. We were fantastic!

The rest of the weekend was more relaxed, we had a lovely sunday lunch and visited Ed's grandparents. All in all a great weekend. Tomorrow morning I am back on the training though I promise!! 

Hope you all had a great weekend too!




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