Monday 30 July 2012

Not a morning person- 69 days to go!

I had to pull myself out of bed this morning using Jedi mind power to go for a run. I am definitely not a morning person. I admit that once I was out there it was quite nice, beautiful weather, lovely and quiet and not too warm yet. But it's so traumatic getting to that point!!

I powered myself up with some chia seeds in apple juice, which look and taste fairly disguting, but provide a little shot of energy first thing without giving me a stitch. I can't face eating anything much more substantial that early.

Here's my little map of my run, it's a lovely squiggly route today. I find my morning runs are always slower than my evening ones. I did try a little tempo running this morning which was quite good, but my tempos seemed to be more slow ones than fast. Something to work on...



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