Monday 23 July 2012

Day 1, or 76 days to go

This is going to be a sort of training diary to prove to all of you who may sponsor me (please do!!) that I am actually doing some training! I am running the Royal Parks Half marathon in October on behalf of MIND, who are a great chairty who provide advice and support for people with mental health problems. Well worth supporting I think.

This is the longest running event I've ever entered, I managed the 5km race for life last year and actually thought I was about to die when I crossed the finish line! So I'm trying to make sure I properly train for this one (Not just making it round the park once and thinking that will do!) My boyfriend Ed has already told me won't carry me to A&E afterwards so how's that for motivation?

Anyway today I actually woke up early and dragged myself out of bed for a run before work, this is utterly unheard of for me! I think the combination of sunshine and the fear that I haven't really done any training for the last fortnight is what spurred me on! I was doing quite well with training averaging a few runs a week until about a fortnight ago when for no real reason I just stopped. I have definitely undone all good I did by drinking far too much beer and eating so much while on holiday so I am back at square one really.

This morning was seriously painful, I had to walk a good part of it because my knee was playing up. Still I managed a 30 minute run/walk and covered 4km so not too bad. Here's a little picture of where I went and how long it took me.
I'm off for Japanese food tonight and then going to see The Dark Knight Rises, beyond excited about this!! Hope it's as good as everyone is saying. Planning on having sweet and salty popcorn to go along with this so glad I got in a run this morning at least, it sort of balances out the un-healthyness!

Nicci x


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